Shrewsbury Colleges Group
Group Minutes of the Board
Date 9th July 20
Time 4.30p.m.
Minutes Membership In attendance by electronic device and contributing towards the meeting quorum, in accordance with Instrument 12. (Members may count towards the quorum if they are able to be present by electronic or digital communication (including attendance by video conferencing or telephone conferencing).
A Allen, C. Davies, C. Gore, J. Harry, H. Hawksworth, R. Heath, R. Lopez, N. Merchant, K. Quant, R. Sartain, J. Staniforth (Principal/CEO), M. Thompson, P. Tucker, C. Wassall, R. Wilson and M. Wood.
In Attendance Clerk to the Board – T. Cottee
Apologies G. Channon and M. Willmot


66/20. Declarations of Interest

    1. A. Allen declared a Standing Interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.
    2. R. Heath declared a Standing Interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.

67/20. Matters Arising


68/20. Chair’s Announcements


The Clerk took the meeting.

69/20. To Appoint a Chair of the Board

The Clerk reported that she had received, in accordance with Instrument 5 (5) and Standing Order No. 17, a written notification that G. Channon had resigned as Chair of the Board with immediate effect on the grounds of ill health. He would remain as a member of the Board. In accordance with Instrument 5 (8) and Standing Order 18, nominations were sought for the position of Chair of the Board.

It was proposed by C. Davies and seconded by C. Gore that M. Willmot be appointed Chair of the Board.

It was noted by the Board that, at present, Mr Willmot’s Term of Office would end on 31 December 2020.

It was proposed by R. Sartain and seconded by H. Hawksworth that R. Wilson be appointed Chair of the Board.

It was noted by the Board that, at present, Mr Wilson’s Term of Office would end on 24 March 2023.

Board members discussed the length of Term of Office the Board Chair should serve, going forward, in the best interests of the College, its students, staff and to support the Principal/CEO.

The Board, having debated these issues agreed that, before it could decide on the appointment, it wished to understand further Mr Channon’s position and consider Candidates’ Statements. The Clerk was directed to request these for consideration by the Board.

70/20. Request to Consider a Leave of Absence from the Board

The Clerk reported that she had received a request from G. Channon for Board approval to submit apologies for absence until 14 December 2020. The Board, having duly considered this request in light of the Board’s skills audit and current Determination, considered that the member’s absence would not be unduly disruptive to Board business.

Resolved: That Mr G Channon’s request for Board approval to submit apologies for absence until 14 December 2020, be accepted.

The meeting adjourned until Monday, 13 July 2020 @ 4.30 p.m. to be held by Microsoft Teams, to receive the information requested at Min. No. 69/20 above.

The meeting adjourned at 5.58 p.m.








4.30 p.m.


in Attendance:

In attendance by electronic device and contributing towards the meeting quorum, in accordance with Instrument 12. (Members may count towards the quorum if they are able to be present by electronic or digital communication (including attendance by video conferencing or telephone conferencing).

A Allen, C. Davies, C. Gore, J. Harry, H. Hawksworth, R. Heath, R. Lopez, N. Merchant, K. Quant, R. Sartain, J. Staniforth (Principal/CEO), M. Thompson, P. Tucker, M. Willmot, R. Wilson and M. Wood.

In Attendance:

Clerk to the Board – T. Cottee

By Invitation

B. Wood, Partner, Education, Eversheds Sutherland (for part of the meeting).


G. Channon and C. Wassall.


The Vice-Chair in the Chair.

71/20. Declarations of Interest

  1. A. Allen declared a Standing Interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.
  2. R. Heath declared a Standing Interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.
  3. M. Willmot declared an interest in Minute No. 74/20, as a candidate for election. He withdrew from part of the meeting for the duration of the discussion.
  4. R. Wilson declared an interest in Minute No. 74/20, as a candidate for election. He withdrew from part of the meeting for the duration of the discussion.

72/20. Matters Arising

Further to Min. No. 69/20, the Board had now received (previously circulated) –

    • A communication from Mr Channon, advising the Board of his intention to return to the Board, should his health permit and, if appropriate, seek nomination to Board Chair when the vacancy arose; and
    • Candidate Statements from Mr M. Willmot and Mr R. Wilson.

The candidates’ proposers and seconders had both confirmed by email to the Clerk that they maintained their support of their respective candidates.

73/20. Chair’s Announcements

B. Wood of Eversheds Sutherland had been requested by the Clerk to prepare written guidance on the procedure for the appointment of the Chair for the Board to consider (previously circulated). Mr Wood was in attendance and he was welcomed to the meeting and thanked for the guidance.

At this point, Mr Wilson declared an interest in the following item.
It was unanimously agreed by those present that, in accordance with Instrument 5 (3), R. Heath be appointed Chair of the Meeting for the duration of the following item.

R. Heath in the Chair.

74/20. To Appoint a Chair of the Board

It was confirmed that Mr Willmot’s Term would end on 31 December 2020 and that he had served, both as a Governor of the former Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology and, after merger, as a Governor of Shrewsbury Colleges Group for two Terms of four years.

Board members again discussed the length of Term of Office the Board Chair should serve. It was confirmed that the appointment of the Chair must be in the best interests of the College, its students, staff and to support the Principal/CEO. Mr Wood spoke to his advice and answered questions. All present confirmed their understanding of the advice given.

Mr Wood left the meeting at this point.

M. Willmot and R. Wilson left the meeting at this point.

It was confirmed that both candidates’ statements had set out clearly their respective skills, experience and qualities sufficient for Board members to make an informed choice in the best interests of the College.

M. Willmot and Mr R. Wilson returned to the meeting at this point.

The Clerk conducted an anonymous remote poll and, having been assured that every member of the Board present had had the opportunity to make a selection, declared the result of the poll.

Having declared the result, it was

Resolved: That R. Wilson be appointed Chair of the Board for a Term of Two Years, with immediate effect.

R. Wilson in the Chair.

Mr Wilson took the opportunity to thank the Board. He paid tribute to the former Chair for his dedication and commitment to the role and his steadfast and complete support for the Principal/CEO and SLT during extremely challenging times. This was unanimously supported by the Board. Mr Wilson also thanked Mr Willmot.

75/20. Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Board

Having been proposed by R. Wilson and seconded by C. Davies, it was

Resolved: That M. Willmot be appointed Vice-Chair of the Board for a Term ending 30 December 2020.

76/20. Date of Next Meeting

Scheduled Meeting – 14 October 2020. Location: To be confirmed.

The meeting concluded at 5.30 p.m.