20/20. Declarations of Interest
A. Allen declared a standing interest as an employee of Harper Adams University.
M. Willmot had declared a standing interest prior to the meeting, as he was known to the candidate for interview and did not attend the meeting.
21/20. Committee Vacancies and Succession Planning (Confidential Appendices – Agenda Item 3)
Governor Vacancy Opportunity – Interview with Prospective Candidates
The Committee interviewed a candidate invited to attend the Committee meeting by remote access for an Independent Governor Vacancy.
The Committee acknowledged that whilst there was currently one Independent Governor Vacancy on the Board and that there would be further vacancies in 2021.
The candidate had taken up the opportunity to speak informally (via remote meeting) with some members of the Committee and the Principal/CEO prior to the interview, to discuss the Board’s requirements and the expected role and responsibilities.
Having conducted the informal conversation and due diligence checks, the Committee interviewed the prospective candidate based on assessment of a submitted CV, completed skills audit and application form (previously circulated).
The Committee, having conducted the interview, referred to the Board Governor Person Specification the current Board Skills Audit (previously circulated). Having considered the skills of the candidate, particularly their experience and interest in higher education, the Committee made the following recommendation -
Resolved: It was RECOMMENDED TO BOARD that A. Benghiat be appointed as an independent Governor for a Four-Year Term from 06 July 2020.
The meeting concluded at 5.53 p.m.