We are committed to creating a positive learning and working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation and place equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of everything we do:

  • All College policies and procedures go through the Equality Impact Assessment procedure
  • Annual staff and student surveys include Equality and Diversity questions and analysis
  • The Group’s Equality and Diversity Committee monitors our commitment with a diverse cross-college membership comprising of senior management, teaching and support staff, students and representatives from the Governors and Corporation
  • We embed equality and diversity in the curriculum and tutorials
  • Staff undertake regular CPD to improve their understanding and practise of issues related to Equality & Diversity
  • The Group supports the embedding of Equality and Diversity through its E&D Lead Governor, who sits on the Group’s E&D Committee and reports back both to the Quality Committee and the Board itself

In addition to fulfilling its legal obligations, the Group actively promotes awareness of an inclusive society through its students’ work in a variety of initiatives, learning materials and events that include Black History Month, British Values, Anti-bullying Week, International Women's Day, Holocaust Memorial Day and Mental Health Awareness Week. We've also had a variety of speakers and workshops from such organisations as Stonewall, Gender Matters, Refugee Action, The Ark, as well as the local Muslim community.

We also work with the local community, through FREsh, a registered society promoting equality, diversity and the elimination of unfair treatment and discrimination within and beyond Shropshire. Other involvements within the community include the Shrewsbury LGBT history festival in February.

British Values

The College is dedicated to promoting values which help to develop a strong sense of community and social and moral responsibility. Here students from the College tell us what democracy means to them as a student at SCG, how they exercise Individual liberty at College, adhere to the rule of law and are tolerant of those of different faiths and beliefs.

Further information on the Group’s commitment to Equality and Diversity can be found in the following documents, policies and procedures.