Our teachers are specialists in their subject areas and many of them work with exam boards and awarding bodies, setting and marking exam papers, or acting as external examiners.
We pride ourselves on the quality of teaching as well as the experience of our teachers. In many subjects, our teachers have either worked professionally in their teaching areas (many still do alongside their teaching) or have published sector-leading articles, books or art and media.
Other college teachers work with external agencies to ensure quality and best practices in their subject areas and often participate in national industry forums.
Personal tutors
Every student has a personal tutor that supports them, monitors their progress and helps them prepare for the next stage of their education, training or employment. Personal tutors help to plan Individual Study Programmes and students are encouraged to seek their ongoing advice and support.
We also have a dedicated careers and progression adviser.
Tutorial sessions
Students are placed in a tutor group that meets weekly for tutorial sessions. Students on vocational courses are in a tutor group with students on courses in the same subject area. Students on academic programmes are in a group with students studying a variety of subjects.
Tutorials focus on careers, study skills, mindset and personal well-being. They cover a variety of topics including online safety, mental health, university/apprenticeship applications and equality and diversity.
Target Setting and Progress Monitoring
Tutors and teachers set individual targets with students to allow them to maximise their success. There are also regular one-to-one Progress Review meetings with the personal tutors, where individual targets are set and reviewed.
At several points in the year, students receive progress grades in each of their courses. Progress Review grades give an indication of the likely final outcome based on the student’s work to date, and are available for parents to view via our online student information system ProPortal.
Staff may also refer to an MTG (Minimum Target Grade), calculated from a student’s GCSE score. The MTG for a student is based on the grade that a student in the top 25% of the country would be expected to achieve with similar GCSE grades.
The weeks for Progress grade collection in 2024-2025 are:
Progress Review 1 | 7 - 11 November 2024 |
Progress Review 2 | Collected 10 - 14 February 2025 and reported from 24 February 2025. |
Progress Review 3 (For students in year 1 of a 2-year course only) | Collected 2 June 2025 and reported to parents 9 June 2025. |
Targeted Progression programmes
These offer help in accessing the most competitive career paths such as medicine, teaching, and midwifery as well as programmes for students looking to study at Oxford or Cambridge. Support is given for applying to specialist summer schools and programmes which enhance opportunities.
ProPortal is a student information system, which allows parents/carers to view student progress, attendance and other information held at College. Parents/carers are required to register for an account.
Please find a guide on How to make the most of ProPortal