If you're aged between 16 and 18 (as of 31/08/2024)

  • You can enrol on one of our full-time programmes for free
  • You won’t have to pay tuition costs, exam fees or material costs. You may choose to pay for the following on a voluntary basis:
    • subject-specific clothing of your own, for example, catering whites and cabin crew uniform (used uniform is available free on loan)
    • specific equipment for your own use (use of shared College equipment is available for free)
    • non-compulsory trips or visits that are in addition to the core elements of the course

If you're aged between 19 and 23 (at the start of your course)

The tuition fee for ESFA Level 2 funded full-time (above 450 annual guided learning hours) courses is £975. This figure excludes examination and registration fees which will be an additional charge depending on the qualification.

Subject to certain conditions your tuition, exams and material fees may be waived, when:

  • enrolling on your first entry or Level 1 qualification which is needed to progress to a full Level 2 programme in the future
  • enrolling on your first full Level 2 qualification on an eligible course
  • enrolling for your first full Level 3 qualification on an eligible course

You may be entitled to a fee waiver if you are aged 19+ and enrolling on a Level 1 or Level 2 qualification:

  • If you are aged 19+, unemployed and receiving a benefit which generates an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are aged 19+, in paid employment and have an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are unemployed, not on benefits and economically inactive

If you are entitled to have your tuition fees waived you will also not be charged Awarding Body registration or accreditation fees, although you will be charged associated fees and subscription charges made by professional bodies (e.g. AAT). However, you may have to pay for any specialist equipment or additional materials that aren't included in the course fees, or any trips/visits that are additional to your core programme. The College’s Fee, Fee Remission and Refunds Policy is detailed in paragraph 4 of our Fees, Fee Remission, and Refund Policy.

Level 3 and above

The tuition fee for adults aged 19+ (as at the start date of their course) on Level 3 or Level 4 full-time (above 450 annual guided learning hours) varies by course and you are advised to phone for details.

If you are 19-23 and do not have a full Level 3 you may be entitled to a fee waiver if you are enrolling on an eligible Level 3 qualification.

If you are 19-23 and this is not your first Level 3 you will need to pay full fees: 19+ Advanced Learner Loans may be available.

You may also be eligible for a fee waiver on certain courses:

  • If you are aged 19+, unemployed and receiving a benefit which generates an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are aged 19+, in paid employment and have an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are unemployed, not on benefits and economically inactive

If you are 24+

Level 1 and Level 2 courses

You will pay a subsided fee of £975 for our full-time courses. This figure excludes examination and registration fees, which will be an additional charge depending on the qualification. Part-time fees will vary by course.

You may be entitled to a fee waiver for courses up to and including Level 2:

  • If you are aged 19+, unemployed and receiving a benefit which generates an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are aged 19+, in paid employment and have an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are unemployed, not on benefits and economically inactive.

If you are entitled to have your tuition fees waived you will also not be charged Awarding Body registration or accreditation fees, although you will be charged associated fees and subscription charges made by professional bodies (e.g. AAT). However, you may have to pay for any specialist equipment or additional materials that aren't included in the course fees, or any trips/visits that are additional to your core programme. The College’s Fee, Fee Remission and Refunds Policy is detailed in paragraph 4 of this document.

Level 3 and above

The tuition fee for adults aged 24+ and over (as at the start date of their course) on Level 3 or Level 4 full-time (above 450 annual guided learning hours) varies by course and you are advised to phone for details. Advanced Learning Loans may be available.

You may be entitled to a fee waiver if you are aged 19+ and enrolling on an eligible Level 3 qualification.

If you are aged 24+ and do not hold a full Level 3 you may be entitled to a fee waiver if you are enrolling on an eligible Level 3 qualification.

You may also be eligible for a fee waiver on certain courses:

  • If you are aged 19+, unemployed and receiving a benefit which generates an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are aged 19+, in paid employment and have an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are unemployed, not on benefits and economically inactive.

Part-time Fees

  • Applicable to anyone who was normally resident in the European Union aged 19 on 31/12/20. If you have not been an EU resident for the last three years you may be subject to a higher, overseas fee
  • Normally paid in full at enrolment. Payment can be made by debit/credit card, cash or cheque
  • If fees are to be paid by your employer, we require a letter of authorisation at enrolment. (You will be liable for the fees if your employer fails to pay.)
  • We cannot reserve places on courses without payment
  • The fees stated are for enrolment for the 2024/25 academic year only. Courses which run for more than one year will be subject to further fees and possible price increases each year
  • For the college to comply with the duty of care required for under 16s, it cannot accept students before their 16th birthday, except on group courses agreed with their schools.

Fee Concessions

If you're aged between 16 and 18 (as of 31/08/2024)

  • 18 year olds can enrol on some of our part-time qualifications for free (enquire for details)
  • You can enrol on any level of our apprenticeship programmes for free.

You won’t have to pay tuition costs, exam fees or material costs. You may choose to pay for the following on a voluntary basis:

  • subject-specific clothing of your own, for example, catering whites and cabin crew uniform (used uniform is available free on loan)
  • specific equipment for your own use (use of shared college equipment is available for free)
  • non-compulsory trips or visits that are in addition to the core elements of the course.

If you're aged between 19 and 23 (at the start of your course)

Your tuition, exams and material fees are waived, when:

  • enrolling on your first entry or Level 1 qualification with the intention to progress to a Level 2 programme
  • enrolling on your first full Level 2 qualification where the course is eligible 
  • enrolling for your first full Level 3 qualification where the course is eligible
  • you enrol onto any level Apprenticeship programme, but your employer may be required to pay a fee.

The following qualifications will be offered to you at a lower subsidised fee:

  • Subsequent full Level 2
  • Fundable smaller qualifications and units (not classified as full) at Level 2 (classroom-based)

If you are aged 19 and over

Enrolling on one of these courses:

  • Any English or Maths qualifications we offer at Pre-Entry, Entry, Level 1 & Level 2, or GCSE English and Maths your tuition, exams and material fees are waived
  • you can enrol on an intermediate (Level 2) apprenticeship programme for free but your employer may pay a fee

If you are enrolling on an ‘eligible’ qualification at Level 3 or above, you can apply for an Advanced Learning Loan to support the cost of your course. Some courses are NOT eligible for Government funding, and fee waivers are not available.

The course will be marked as “no concessions”. Some Level 3 courses are eligible for funding as a first Level 3 qualification to learners aged 19 and over.

Additional Fee Waivers

You may be entitled to a fee waiver for courses up to and including Level 2:

  • If you are aged 19+, unemployed and receiving a benefit which generates an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are aged 19+, in paid employment and have an individual gross income of less than £25,000 per year
  • If you are unemployed, not on benefits and economically inactive.

However, you may have to pay for any specialist equipment or additional materials that aren't included in the course fees, or any trips/visits that are additional to your core programme.

 Remission CategoryWhat to bring as proof of entitlement
1 Recipient of Jobseekers Allowance including a partner if the claim is joint. JSA1 form authorised by Jobcentre Plus.
2 Recipient of Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) in the Work Related Activity Group. A letter stating you are receiving income-related (not contribution-based) ESA (WRAG).
3 Unemployed learners who are in receipt of a relevant benefit and who need skills/training to improve their employment prospects. Current benefit letter for the following:
Universal Credit
Income Support
Child Tax Credit
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Benefit
Child Benefit
Disability Allowance
State Pension
Incapacity Benefit
Carers Allowance
Attendance Allowance
Widowed Parent Allowance
** Working Tax Credit Is not acceptable **
4 Low income - if your income is below £25,000. Last three payslips or Contact.


The College reserves the right to cancel or make changes to courses and those that do not attract enough interest will not proceed. We will inform students as soon as possible and whenever such changes prevent you from starting or continuing your course, ALL fees will be refunded. If you wish to cancel your enrolment or withdraw from your course please refer to section 6 of our Fees, Fee Waiver, and Refunds Policy.

The Application for the Refund or Waiver of Fees form is available here.

Please note:

  • You will be asked for your National Insurance number when you enrol
  • You will be withdrawn if you do not attend your course

Important Note

Due to fees being dependent on age and funding options, fees will be confirmed at the time of enrolment.

Learner Support Funds

Available for part-time students on low incomes to help towards the costs of childcare, travel and the purchase of essential course equipment. In exceptional circumstances, help may also be available towards course fees. Applications are available through Student Services after you have started your course. This is only applicable for courses that attract fee concessions and funds are limited, so apply early.

Higher Education Fees

All higher education course fees vary depending on the validating university and course modules, please refer to the Higher Education Financial Help section for more details.

Certificates for courses with qualifications

Certificates are posted to the address we have on record for you and we recommend you update us with any changes to your address before you finish your course. Apart from GCSEs and A Levels, awarding bodies process certificates at different times, so we don’t have specific dates for the posting of certificates. If you haven’t heard anything by the end of August, please contact the College.

Please note: Once you have received your certificate, please check the details and contact us immediately if you see a mistake as there is a small window of time to correct this without incurring fees.