The Student Union Executive is a team of elected officers who liaise with and represent the student community. Student Union Rep meetings are held half-termly at each campus where students’ views and ideas can be shared. The Executive meet regularly with senior managers and college staff to share information and follow up actions from these meetings which is then communicated to students.
Working with teams in the College and other students, they coordinate student-related events and fundraisers for local and national charities. It has a budget, which it can spend on improving the College environment for students and helping students set up groups and societies.
At Shrewsbury Colleges Group we value your input and offer plenty of opportunities for you to get your voice heard:
- Student Union Executive: Shrewsbury Colleges Group will work with the Student Union Executive Officers as its primary method of engagement with students
- Student Governors: Student Governors are a vital part of the College’s Student Voice. Student Governors are full members of the Corporation and use their experiences as students to help shape the Corporation’s decision-making. We have a download to tell you more about being a Student Governor or you can visit our College Governance section for more information
- Student Representation: Officers will be elected to the Student Union annually in the spring term, allowing for them to work with current officers so they are able to effectively start their new role when the new College year begins in September. Student Union class reps will be elected during the six-week induction period. Curriculum Forums will be held termly in each school to allow student representatives to meet with school management teams
- Student Services: All students are welcome at the helpdesk to share compliments and complaints.
What our students say
Our students have the opportunity to give us feedback through both the Induction Survey and Exit Survey. Here are some of the questions they answered and the percentage who agreed:
- I leave lessons feeling that I have made progress 93%
- I would recommend the college to a friend 96%
- My work was regularly assessed at 93%
- I have been encouraged to achieve my target grade of above 96%
- The college grounds and buildings provide a good environment to learn 97%
Statistics are taken from the Student Perception of College Survey 2023-24