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Workers in this unit group provide pastoral care relating to religious denominations, and a variety of welfare-related services including advice on benefits, health, disability and residential care not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 323: Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals.


  • Advises on rights and entitlements in relation to benefits, health, discrimination and welfare
  • Advises individuals and families experiencing problems about available resources to assist them
  • Assists and liaises with professionals in social work, the probation service and related welfare areas
  • Organises day, residential and home care services
  • Helps to put together care plans and follows professional’s care plans
  • Maintains records and compiles reports on clients
  • Keeps up to date with legislation
  • Performs pastoral care duties, preaches sermons and conducts some services in accordance with the relevant faith or denomination.

Entry Requirements

Entry is possible with a variety of academic qualifications and/or experience. Professional qualifications may be required for some posts. Background checks including a CRB check are likely to be required for those working with vulnerable adults and/or families.

What could I earn?

Salaries for this occupation tend to start at £23,000 per annum and can progress up to £29,000 per annum.

Is it in growth or decline?

There are currently 15,719 employed Welfare & Housing Associate Professionals N.e.c. in the region.