We have a reputation for excellence and offer the widest choice of A Levels in the county. Our students achieve high A Level pass rates that lead to places at the country’s top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

A Levels will suit you if you perform well in exams, you want to study a range of subjects or if you know that you want to follow a particular career path or study a particular subject at university. A Levels are two year courses with the whole of the course assessed through exams at the end of the two years. A Levels are mostly assessed by exams though some A Levels include coursework.

You can choose from a variety of A Levels as well as three BTEC/CTEC courses which are each the equivalent of one A Level.

View our A Level videos on YouTube 

Daisy Llewellyn

Daisy Llewellyn

A Level Psychology (Law and Sociology)
Previous Institution: The Priory School, Shrewsbury

Psychology is my favourite subject. I love how interesting it is and it really gives you a greater understanding of human nature. I want to study psychology at university and hopefully become a detective. 

Ashley Cole

Ashley Cole

A Level Physics (Chemistry, Biology, Maths)
Previous school: Mary Webb School 

I am going to the University of Birmingham to study Medical Biochemistry and I have used my Physics A Level to create links with Biology to further understand the subject. I have really enjoyed learning about quantum physics and there are loads of good practicals to do throughout the two years.

Alexander Tompkinson

Alexander Tompkinson

A Level English Language (Law and Drama & Theatre)
Previous school: Mary Webb School

I came here because it was local to me and I enjoyed the pre-enrolment days which were well organised. English Language is a good A Level to have and it is super interesting to see how language has evolved and changed through time. The teachers are a great help and the resources are brilliant; there are plenty of text books.

Kelly Price

Kelly Price

A Level Media Studies (Maths, Business)
Previous school: Mary Webb School

I chose Media Studies because I enjoy the subject and I wanted something creative to study alongside my other A Level choices. This is a course that gives you opportunities and focus, plus the teachers are so engaging. After College I am hoping to study media and culture at university.

Demi Thomas

Demi Thomas

A Level Law (Politics, Sociology)
Previous school: Shrewsbury Academy

Law can be a challenging A Level, but it is worth it and I thrive when being pushed. The resources are great here and the support is amazing - I picked SCG after coming to an Open Evening. The aspect I find
most interesting to study is manslaughter cases and I have especially enjoyed learning about battered woman syndrome. I would like to become a solicitor or barrister in family law so I will be going to study Law at Edge Hill University.