• 19 April 2021
    6.30pm - 7.00pm
      SCG Online
    Categories: Higher Education Advice Events


    Joining the session: This event will be hosted as a Microsoft Teams Meeting and you can access it without requiring an account.

    Please use the button below at the designated time and date to join the meeting. Before you enter, you can choose to turn on your camera and microphone to communicate with the others in the meeting, or you can use just the Chat function to send in questions. Please note your screen name and any comments you put in the Chat panel will be visible to all attendees.  

    Join the meeting

    We hope you enjoy the event and look forward to meeting you in person soon!

    If you have any problems during this event please email events@scg.ac.uk 

    If you need a written copy of the presentation or wish to access the event in an alternative format please get in touch with us at events@scg.ac.uk

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