We are delighted to welcome back all of our students to the new academic year at Shrewsbury Colleges Group. We hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer break.

As you enter the new term, we hope you are ready to build upon your achievements and face new challenges. This year offers you the chance to refine your skills and deepen your knowledge. Use what you have learned to set new personal goals and strive for excellence.


Start of term

Please note that the start of term is the week commencing Monday, 2 September. The different course and year start dates are as follows:

  • Year 2 A Level & Art lessons start on Monday 2 or Tuesday 3 September, depending on your timetable for those two days
  • Year 2 Vocational course lessons at London Road Campus have a start date week commencing Monday 9 September



For students returning to college in September, your timetables will be available on the MySCG app from Sunday, 1 September.

Please note that the timetables for the first week of studies may differ from the second week, so please keep checking your app for details.


Support for students

If you and your family are concerned about the cost of attending college, then there are ways in which we can support you with your study and transport costs. The Student Services teams are located at each campus for a confidential face-to-face chat about the support that the college can offer. There is also helpful advice on the college website:

Finance: Financial Support | Advanced Learner Loan | SCG

Transport: Travelling to College | Shrewsbury Colleges Group (scg.ac.uk)


College is cashless

Please note that the college remains cashless across the three campuses. You can pay with a debit or credit card or by Apple Pay/Google Pay and similar mobile phone payment methods. However, we cannot accept cash as a method of payment for food and drinks bought at college. Vending machines at the campuses do accept cash, though.

You can add funds to your student ID card online to pay for anything you need to purchase in college, including in the cafés.

The frequently asked questions webpage that we have set up provides details on how to initially add funds and how to top up your student ID card, along with other information about how the system will work.

This approach will also apply to paying for your trips, resources, and visits and topping up your card to use in the cafés or elsewhere on campus.

Further details on your REMsPay account and login details on the new cashless system are available on MySCG.

New students and Parents/Carers can also set up and register your REMS pay account by following the instructions provided in the links below or using the guidance in the Students section on our website:

FAQs link: Cashless Payment FAQs (scg.ac.uk)

REMsPay Guidance:  Guide to using REMSPay (scg.ac.uk)


Student Car Parking at the London Road Campus

If you’re planning to park onsite, please ensure that you register your vehicle(s) via your college REMsPay account. Please register your vehicle as soon as possible using REMSPay. A short grace period is available at the start of the Autumn term for you to do this. Automated Number Plate recognition is in place and automatic parking penalties of £100 apply for unregistered vehicles which park on campus after the grace period.

You will find an appropriately priced item in your REMSPay account to allow you to register your vehicle. Instructions on how to register and pay for your vehicle are below.

For Vocational Course Students:  The 2024-25 parking charge is £45 for the year.

Register your vehicle(s):

  1. Step 1: Log in to REMsPay, and from the Home Page, click on ‘Add Item
  2. Step 2: Select the Student Car Parking option
  3. Step 3: Complete Car registration details for your vehicle
  4. Step 4: Click in the check box at the bottom of the page and submit

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are having trouble with your REMSPay account. More parking info is available at www.scg.ac.uk's Car Parking Policy.

If you have already purchased a permit and wish to change your vehicle registration, you can also do so via REMsPay, which is a free item that becomes available once you have purchased a permit. If you cannot do this or have a parking issue, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please note that there is no student parking at the English or Welsh Bridge campuses. 


Student Identification cards

Please don’t forget your student identification cards for the start of the term.

Please note that the college will no longer issue temporary badges to students who have forgotten their identification badge. Instead, students will be issued a replacement badge.

Students will receive a replacement identification card free of charge from Monday, 2 September, until Friday, 13 September.

From Monday, 16 September, students will receive a replacement identification card. However, there will be an administration cost of £2 for this reprint, which is payable immediately upon the new card's issue.

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