What is a staff governor?

There are three staff governors on the Board.

The Governors are a group of people who are volunteers.  Together they are known as ’The Board’ and have special responsibilities for making sure the college is run properly. The Board is responsible for setting the college’s direction, Budget and ensuring that the college provides the best quality teaching and learning.

The Board is made up of 19 governors from across the community.  Student Governors use their experiences as staff when helping the Board to make decisions and work closely with governors to make sure students are at the heart of the decision-making process.

Staff Governors are nominated and elected by the staff.  They are not staff representatives.

Staff Governors are highly valued.  As staff members of the college, they provide valuable insight on important decisions being made and contribute to important college decisions, such as what the college is planning to do over the next few years.

Staff Governors are expected to -

  • Attend Induction and other development.
  • Understand the role
  • Read committee papers and reports, treating them as confidential
  • Prepare for and attend meetings 
  • Participate, contribute, be positive, constructive and willing to consider new ideas
  • Share responsibility for decisions that are taken at formal meetings

The College exists for its students; so the views of staff are important to ensure that their best interests are reflected in the decision making processes that take place by governors.