Securing student success: Regulatory framework for higher education in England sets out

In judging whether a provider has in place adequate and effective management and
governance arrangements to deliver, in practice, the public interest governance principles
that are applicable to it, material that the OfS may consider includes:
a. The actions of the provider and whether they deliver the applicable public interest
governance principles in practice, including but not limited to:

iv. Whether the governing body publishes its written commitment to comply with the higher
education remuneration code published by the CUC, and the visibility and strength of that
commitment, or any explanation provided by the governing body about why it has not
published its written commitment to comply with that remuneration code.

This statement is an explanation of the College’s decision not to adopt the Council of
University Chairs’ (CUC) Higher Education Senior Staff Remuneration Code.

Explanation of the Decision
As the College provides primarily FE and 16-18 education, the Board reports on Corporate
Governance arrangements by drawing upon best practice available, including those aspects
of the UK Corporate Governance Code considered to be relevant to the further education
sector and best practice as opposed to adopting the CUC Higher Education Staff
Remuneration Code. This decision has been taken because:

  1. The College is committed to exhibiting best practice in all aspects of corporate
    governance which requires College leadership to implement appropriate assurance
    and compliance measures; and
  2. The UK Corporate Governance Code 2016, insofar as it is applicable to the further
    education sector, is identified in ESFA’s 2018-9 accounts direction as suitable for FE
    and Sixth Form College institutions.