Date 30th January 2024
Time 5.30pm
Minutes Membership G. Mills, M. Hartland, J. Staniforth, P. Tucker and R. Wilson.
In Attendance Members of the Senior Leadership Team:
P. Partridge, Executive Director of Finance (EDoF)

Clerk to the Board, T. Cottee
Apologies J. Hoyland.

01/24. Declarations of Interest

M. Hartland declared an interest as a parent of a student at the college.

02/24. Minutes of Meeting Held 05 December 2023 (Appendix – Agenda Item 3)

Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 05 December 2023, be approved as a true and correct record.

03/24. Matters Arising

Minute 55/23. Estates Termly Report and Capital Bids Update

A meeting of the Estates Strategy Working Group held on 11 December 2023, had reviewed a report produced by LocatED, DfE Estates consultants. The Group had agreed that the direction of travel set out in the Report was a sound basis on which to proceed.

04/24. Period 5 Management Accounts (Confidential Appendices - Agenda Item 5)

The Committee received the Period 5 Management Accounts and update (previously circulated). The Accounts had been circulated to all governors.

The key issues and differences between the Budget and Forecast out-turn were:

Regarding Income:

      • There was no change from Period 3 with respect to 16-18 Funding and reduced HE and Learner loan income (increased Pay Costs included the 6.5% pay settlement as opposed to the 4% budgeted).
      • Contracts for High Needs student top-up funding had been agreed with all main providers and additional funding had been included in the forecast.
      • Full cost income activity forecast outturn had been downgraded to reflect the year-to-date position and to discount these elements of new course income following a review, as several activities were struggling to gain traction.

In response to questions –

      • Regarding the increase in High Needs Funding, the EDoF explained that the income adjustment had primarily been driven by more High Needs students enrolling at the college and their greater need for support. The P/CEO explained how the High Needs funding allocation was calculated. In addition to an element of High Needs funding included in the college’s main allocation, specific funding granted by the Department for Education (DfE) was given to the local authority to redistribute to the college. Based on an assessment of the number of eligible students likely to enrol, the college received a set amount per student from the local authority, although some students might require additional funding to support their individual needs.
      • The P/CEO provided assurance regarding the review of full cost income activity and that the courses withdrawn represented a small portion of overall provision and that affected staff would be deployed across provision.
      • The college’s Cash position remained positive. The Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) and Estates Grants all required payment prior to reimbursement from the DfE. The EDoF assured the Committee that there was sufficient working capital to finance these projects, though this was likely to require a temporary reduction of funds held on deposit during March and April and thereafter. He also provided assurance that the college was on track to remain within the Financial Health Score of ‘Good’ in 2023/24.
      • Regarding the college’s welcome success in securing numerous grant funding bids, the EDoF provided assurance that the college had considered carefully the impact of the additional pressure on staffing, management and delivery of these projects on top of the “day job” as part of the bids’ process. The Committee concluded that the benefits of these projects would mostly be seen in 2024/2025, in the form of an improved student experience and expanded capacity. However, whilst the success in grant funding bids provided tactical relief, this still did not address the college’s longer-term strategic Estates challenges.

The Committee also concluded that, whilst the current year outlook remained on track, there remained some risks in the delivery of the 2023-24 Budget, including:

        • Some provision areas had yet to achieve budget.
        • Regarding Apprenticeships, the college had taken a decision to cease further Trades Union Rep Apprenticeship cohorts. In response to questions, the EDoF provided assurance that Apprenticeship budget targets would be met. The P/CEO explained that the college had enrolled more higher value apprentices.

The Committee received a further update on the progress of the college’s One-Off and Short-Term Grants Activity (information previously circulated).

Successful LSIF bid

      • Capital funding for Engineering and Construction equipment and refurbishment to be used by March 2025. Procurement of equipment and refurbishment activity was under-way. The P/CEO explained that discussions were under-way to review timeframes for delivery and to extend grant funding deadlines, as there was a risk that estates elements of this activity were at risk due to the current deadlines.
        Successful HSIF bid
      • A Revenue and Capital funding grant for enhancement of HE course facilities and equipment and development of HE delivery capacity. Detailed planning for capital spend was under way together with delivery of revenue grant funded activities. This was to be used by December 2024.

Successful LEP Bid:

      • Capital Grant for refurbishment and renewal of Electrical and Plumbing workshops, classrooms and purchase of related equipment at London Road Campus. This opportunity arose from unused Local Enterprise Partnership funding that was made available in late October 2023. Procurement for refurbishment activity was under-way to meet these exceptionally tight timeframes.

Successful Modular Accelerator Grant

      • Funding to support HND /HNC Courses of between 60 to 150 contact hours between April 2024 and July 2025.

T level Capacity Estates Project.

      • This grant was for the refurbishment of Elements, of A floor and C floor and the Bungalow at London Road Campus. This would provide capacity and improve the quality of space for T Levels in Health & Social Care, Childcare, and relocate space for Media, High Needs, and Preparation Routes Students whose existing areas were being re-purposed for Health & Social Care & Childcare T Level Provision.

Post-16 Capacity Estates Project

      • This grant for refurbishment of the ground floor of the Quarry Building at the Welsh Bridge Campus to create 3 new classrooms and to increase capacity for 2 other classrooms would involve the relocation of the Learning Resource Centre to the existing Hall within the main building.

The Committee commended the approach taken by the SLT in pro actively seeking opportunities to bid for projects and sent its congratulations to the officers involved in the bid submissions on their success in attracting more funding to further improve teaching capacity and student experience.

The Committee considered that the Board would benefit from discussing a progress report on the numerous grants secured and where the funding would be spent and requested a report be presented to the next Board meeting.

05/24. Estates Update (Agenda Item 6)

The EDoF provided a verbal update on the various estate projects being undertaken with respect to estates projects underway during 2024. The Committee reviewed floor plans displayed at the meeting showing the intention of the various projects to improve capacity at the sites to improve teaching, learning and student experience.

London Road Campus

      1. The Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) grant funded refurbishment of Electrical & Plumbing classrooms & workshops was currently in progress, with an end date 31 March 2024.
      2. T-Level Capital grant funded refurbishment of C floor and A Floor zones, with an end date of 01 September 2024. These works included -
        • Conversion of Enterprise Suite to Health & Social Care teaching space
        • Refurbishment of classrooms on A-Corridor for Health & Social Care and Early Years provision.
        • Relocation of Media into one zone of the campus, including creation of additional classroom capacity.
        • Improvement to Learning Resource Centre (LRC) to re-create new small quiet study areas.
        • Refurbishment of Bungalow to improve Childcare facilities including an extension to create an additional classroom, (wholly funded by the college).
        • Refurbishment of C floor classrooms for PREP routes and ALS provision.
      3. Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) grant funded extension to existing Welding area to accommodate new equipment was currently in progress, with an end date April 2024.
      4. Higher Skills Improvement Fund (HSIF) grant capital work with an end date 31 December 2024.

Welsh Bridge Campus

      1. Post 16 Capacity Grant funded relocation of LRC and Refurbishment of Quarry Building ground floor, with an end Date 1 September 2024.

The Committee reviewed the sequencing of these projects, seeking assurance that disruption to teaching and student experience was minimised.

In response to questions, the EDoF –

      • provided assurance that the contractor managing the various estates projects had been subject to the appropriate due diligence with respect to safeguarding and their staff would adhere to the college’s safeguarding protocols, particularly with respect to access to student areas and being on-site during college opening hours.

The Committee discussed the impact of these various projects and supported the intention to improve teaching capacity. It also considered that the Board would benefit from discussing a progress report on the numerous capital projects being undertaken across the college and requested a report be presented to the next Board meeting.

06/24. Risk (Appendix - Agenda item 8)

The Committee examined those risks within its remit and agreed that they had been identified and adequately discussed at the meeting.

07/24. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday, 16 April 2024 from 5.30 p.m.

The meeting concluded at 7.00 p.m.