Quality assurance and regulatory professionals


Jobholders in this unit group plan, organise, co-ordinate and direct the effective measurement monitoring and reporting on the qualitative and regulatory aspects of a specified tangible (industrial production) or non-tangible (service provision) output.


  • develops and implements visual, physical, functional or other appropriate measures and tests of quality
  • analyses and reports upon the results of quality control tests to ensure that production remains within specification
  • considers the impact of legislation upon specification requirements
  • examines current operating procedures to determine how quality may be improved
  • examines operating procedures to ensure the process and the product meet regulatory standards and implements changes necessary to ensure compliance.

Educational Requirements

Entry normally requires a degree or equivalent qualification with relevant experience. Off- and on-the-job training is available. NVQs/SVQs that encompass quality assurance elements are available up to Level 4.