Sarah Mills standing holding here award

Congratulations to SCG alumnus Sarah Mills who was the winner of the Prestigious Textiles Award at New Designers!

Sarah, pictured with her work, was awarded for her outstanding use of colour and innovative design ideas, with judges commenting on her innovative fabric choice, varied techniques, good use of scale, and characterful work.

As a result of her success, Sarah has won an all-expenses paid placement at Prestigious Textiles.

Passionate about nature and the environment, Sarah focused her work on the Curlew bird, a protected species of bird that has been given the UK conservation status of red, meaning it is one of the bird species requiring urgent action to protect numbers.

Speaking to the college, Sarah said:

“My most recent work, The Wetlands Collection, is very process driven, and through a love of combining more traditional printing methods with contemporary digital methods, it has allowed me to produce highly detailed designs.

“Through this collection, I wanted to raise awareness for the environment by depicting thriving environments and showing how rewilding can be extremely beneficial to nature.

“The bird that I have studied for this collection was a wading bird (Curlew), that is becoming increasingly low in numbers, especially in Shropshire.”

With the first award of what is sure to be a successful career, Sarah also spoke of her plans for the future:

“With graduation coming up, my next step is to continue with freelance work for various design companies and look for a graduate job as a designer.”

Everyone at SCG would like to recognise Sarah's hard work and dedication and wishes her well in her future endeavours.