100% Exams
Three exams, each worth one-third of your total mark:
- UK Politics and core political ideas
- UK Government and non-core political ideas
- Comparative politics with the USA
Entry Requirements
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English Language. Politics will appeal to those who are interested in current affairs and who like to express and discuss opinions on political ideas and power.
What does the course involve?
You will examine and discuss different visions for a more just society while asking were problems for society come from and whether we can prevent them. Our dedicated and specialist teaching staff will support you through your studies to ensure you achieve your potential.
Politics is about the conflict that results from different interests and needs in society, and different attitudes towards how power and resources should be gained, distributed, and used. Through the study of the British and United States political systems, you will examine the aims, successes, and failures, as well as structures of political organisations such as parties and pressure groups. You will also look at the effectiveness and fairness of different electoral systems. A major feature of the course is the ways civil rights and liberties are protected and how effective those protections may be. The course also includes the teaching of key political philosophies.
Comparative Politics (UK and USA) - you will compare and contrast the UK and US systems of government in terms of principles and effects. You will study the nature and ideals of the two main US parties, as well as their decentralised structure and the divisions within and between them. The influence of US interest groups, how Presidential candidates are selected, the Electoral College system, factors behind US voting behaviour and the influence of the media and money are also examined. You will also consider the struggle to protect civil rights in the US.
Additional Notes
Students pursue many different courses at degree level with politics, law and history being the most popular. Employment opportunities include work with Members of Parliament, journalism, local and central government, and the legal system, amongst others.
Further Information
Beyond the classroom, there are plenty of opportunities to become involved in political debate. As well as our debating society, there are also opportunities to join the Model United Nations.
What do I do next?
You can apply online via the APPLY button and then add an additional two or three subjects to make up your academic programme. You can also apply for a second, alternative vocational programme of study via a separate application. If after reading this factsheet, you are still undecided about the course most suitable for you, please drop into one of our open evenings, ring our Admissions Department on 01743 653111, or email admissions@scg.ac.uk