Here are some of our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here please get in touch!

Questions about the enrolment process

Q. How do I apply? / Am I too late to apply?
A. The most up-to-date information is available on this website where you can apply online, but please note that some courses may have limited spaces. We accept applications until the October half-term for some courses, but this is dependent on the availability of places. 

Q. I cannot attend the enrolment appointment I have been sent, what should I do?
A. We can change your appointment to an alternative day and time. Please contact Reception to change your appointment on 01743 653000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Q. My son/daughter was not offered a place at SCG – what options do they have?
A. We’d be happy to discuss the options with you and your son/daughter. Please contact the Admissions team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Q. I have not had my enrolment information
A. You can request that your enrolment information be re-printed as well as emailed to you again by contacting Reception on 01743 653000 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Q. I am a second-year student and haven’t been told when to enrol
A. Second-year students on two-year courses don’t need to enrol. Your timetable will be available on the MySCG app from early September.

If you are changing subject and course for your second year then you first need to speak to someone at college (for example your tutor) about this before making an application online. You will then be asked to an interview and be sent an invite to enrolment in August/September. 

If you are progressing from a Level 1 course to a Level 2 course or a Level 2 course to a Level 3 course, then you should have applied, had an interview and will be sent an invite to enrolment. If you haven’t done an application, you need to apply online. 

If you have followed the above steps and need your enrolment invite reissuing please contact Reception at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questions about grades

Q. I haven’t got the entry requirements for a specific subject that I want to study, what options have I got?
A. When you come into college to enrol we will look at your results and if you haven’t achieved the entry requirements for the study programme you applied to we will discuss alternative choices with you. We offer appropriate Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and commit to offering an alternative study programme at Shrewsbury Colleges Group to any student who holds a conditional offer of a place and does not achieve the entry requirements.

Q. I haven’t achieved grade 4 in English and/or Maths GCSE – do I have to re-sit?
A. If you haven’t achieved grade 4 in either or both subjects then you will be required to attend lessons and re-sit exams in English and/or Maths whilst studying your main subject choice.

Q. I’ve only got 4 GCSEs, can I still do A Levels or Level 3 Extended Diplomas?
A. It’s important you attend your enrolment appointment where we can discuss your grades and your course choices with you. There will be a course for everyone due to the wide range of courses and levels available at SCG.

Q. I sat an exam with SCG last year, but I haven’t received my results yet
A. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from your college email address.

Questions about finance

I live outside of the Shrewsbury area, will there be any help with transport costs?
The college offers six bus routes at reduced rates from Whitchurch & Market Drayton, Telford & Wellington, Ludlow & Craven Arms, Oswestry and Bridgnorth. Also, if you live over three miles from the college you may be entitled to apply for a Shropshire Council or Arriva bus pass (depending on your financial circumstances). For more information see our Travelling to College page.

Q. How and when will I receive information about REMSPay?
A. Once you have enrolled on your course and received your student ID badge you will be sent an email to your student college email address with a four-worded PIN which is needed to create a REMsPay account.

Q. I’ve received details about REMSPay, do I have to pay the voluntary contribution?
A. No, the payment is voluntary, but the payment does allow us to support many of the extra Enrichment activities that SCG offers students.

Q. What is the item ID Card Cafés Top-up on REMSPay?
A. This is an item that allows money to be uploaded onto your student ID badge to pay for food and drink in our Hub/café outlets as the café’s outlets do not accept cash payments.

Q. I am struggling to access REMSPay
A. Please see this guide to using REMSPay for assistance. Alternatively, you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Q. I’m a full-time student, but I’m over the age of 19. How much will I need to pay for my course?
A. Please contact the Admissions team for further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information can be found in the Fees, Fee Remission, and Refund Policy 2024 25

Questions about courses for the next academic year

Q. What days will I be in college and what will my timetable be?
A. A Level and Vocational course timetables are available on the MySCG app from the Sunday before the new term starts.

Q. I have been told that I need some equipment and uniforms for my course. Where can I find details about what I need?
A. You will have been emailed a list of the equipment and/or uniforms you need, but a full list of requirements for all courses can be found here.

Q. When does my course start?
A. Induction for first-year students starts the week commencing 1 September - please check the MySCG app to confirm when you should attend.

Q. I will be a second-year student in September, when do I return to college?
A. Second-year A Level students and second-year Vocational Art students will have lessons on Monday 1 and 2 September, then home learning on Wednesday to Friday for the first week.

For second-year vocational students teaching will begin the week commencing 8 September and timetable information will be available on the MySCG app.

Q. I haven’t arranged my transport from home to college yet and I’m not sure what to do
A. We have several options available for you to help with your transport arrangements. The Student Services team can assist with any questions that you may have. They can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and this webpage has excellent advice on travelling to college.

Q. How many days per week are full-time students in college?
Full-time vocational courses require a minimum of 15 hours per week, typically spread over three days. Due to government funding students can only take one vocational course. Students on an academic study programme will usually be in class for five hours per subject and will typically attend college five days per week. Students are expected to supplement classes with independent study, coursework and enrichment opportunities.

Apprentices usually receive training on a day-release basis, meaning one day at college and four days with an employer, however, some apprenticeships are entirely work-based.

Questions about support

Q. My son or daughter does not want to attend college alone at enrolment / I cannot get them to come to college?
A. We appreciate that this is a difficult time and some students may feel anxious about attending enrolment. We can offer support during enrolment. Please contact Student Services at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Q. What happens if my son/daughter requires additional learning support?
A. All students complete an initial assessment before starting their programme, which helps identify any learning support requirements they might have.

If you can tell us of any additional support requirements before they start college, we will be able to put any support measures or specialist equipment in place from their first day.

Please visit the ALS page to find out more about how we can help.

Q. How can I be sure my child is doing enough work to pass the course?
A. At the Transition Evening in the autumn term, you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s tutor who is responsible for tracking progress and setting targets. Tracking progress happens regularly, but there are also three occasions a year when a Progress Review one-to-one takes place in a more formal way. Students receive Progress Review grades at this time, which gives their likely final result. Tutors and Progression Specialists will contact you directly if they have concerns about progress.