Assessment for the course is through on-going tasks set-out by Pearson. You will receive these immediately in the first session and will receive guidance and support with planning and completing them. Further assistance is provided by the tutor in workshop sessions, and materials are available on the course Moodle page and course Facebook page. Successful completion of the course involves producing a portfolio of evidence.
How much does it cost?
The tuition fee is
Who is it for?
Designed for Individuals looking to get into teaching. This course is designed for those wanting to start teaching or training within the further education sector and gain a nationally recognised qualification for their career development.
The Award in Education and Training is designed to be a knowledge based introduction to teaching and/or training for anyone interested in teaching or training within the further education and skills sector (Post 16). It is a point of entry course for those who are not involved in teaching at the moment or have just started a teaching/training role. The course will serve as an introduction to a very wide range of teaching methods and strategies.
What does the course involve?
The course focuses on 3 modules. The first module focuses on the roles, responsibilities and relationships that exist within the further education sector and features some of the key legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice, the importance of promoting equality and diversity, and the motivation of students and teachers. The second module focuses on understanding inclusive methods in education and training and the importance of involving all learners. As part of this module you will also plan, deliver and reflect on a 15 - 30 minute micro-teach to the rest of the group. The final unit focuses on the different types of assessment used in education. A key feature of this is looking at the strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods, the need for keeping records, peer and self-assessment, and the importance of feedback. Delivery will be through taught lessons which will be conducted in a variety of ways.
Additional Notes
This qualification could provide progression onto the PGCE in Further Education at Level 5 or 7.
Further Information
The taster for this course will take place on Wednesday 12th March 2025 16:30 - 20:30
What do I do next?
If you meet the entry requirements for this course, please use the Register my Interest or Enrol button or contact Part-time Admissions on 01743 653333 to organise enrolment. If you are still undecided about the course most suitable for you, please drop into one of our advice events ring Part-time Admissions on 01743 653333, use our live chat facility, or email