Group of students standing together smiling

Pictured above are some of our Maths students attending the Maths Inspiration lectures from Rob Eastaway.

 Rob Eastaway is a bestselling author, focused on the popularisation of maths. He has penned a number of books and in 2017 he was presented with the Zeeman award for excellence in promotion of maths.

Part of his lecture focused on the importance of statistics in every day life. Speaking to the college about this, Rob said:

"I’m often asked what was the most important part of maths that I learned at school. I think it was all valuable, but the part that I’ve probably used more than any other in my professional life is probability and statistics.

"These two areas play a crucial part in decision-making. If the government is deciding on, say, health policy, or a business is deciding whether to launch a new product, a good grasp of statistics is essential. And since most decisions involve an element of uncertainty, it’s vital to have a good feel for probability if you are going to make wise judgments on things like investments or insurance.

"There’s probably something you’re interested in that has statistics in it. Use that to your advantage. Your obsession could bring great dividends in later life.”

If you are interested in studying statistics at the college, applications for our September '24 intake are now open, you can view more information and enrol here: Statistics A Level (