Graduation students standing together in cap and gown

Friday 8 July saw over 80 Shrewsbury Colleges Group Higher Education students join their friends, families, teachers, governors and special guests at St Chad’s Church in the heart of Shrewsbury to celebrate their graduation.

The ceremony for the class of 2022 took place in St Chad’s Church for the first time in three years after an absence due to the pandemic.

The day began with the graduates meeting in the glorious sunshine at The Square before processing to the church through the town centre. The graduates then enjoyed keynote speeches from James Staniforth (Principal of Shrewsbury Colleges Group), Elizabeth Roberts (Mayor of Shrewsbury) and Lezley Picton (Leader of Shropshire Council).

James Staniforth commented: “I was honoured to celebrate the day with our graduates, and it was fantastic to see so many of our graduates attend the event and receive the formal recognition of the hard work and effort that they have put into their studies. All the students from the class of 2022 faced significant disruption to their learning due to the pandemic and it is a testament to their dedication that they were able to achieve their qualifications.”

You can view photos from the event in the gallery below.