Shrewsbury Colleges Group can confirm that we will NOT be requiring students, other than those identified as Vulnerable, to attend any of the campuses.

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Following the announcement from the UK Government on Wednesday 27th January of the extension to the national lockdown for schools and colleges, Shrewsbury Colleges Group can confirm that we will NOT be requiring students, other than those identified as Vulnerable, to attend any of the campuses.

The provisional date of 8th March has been indicated as the earliest point in which all students can return to college, but this date is only expected to be confirmed in mid-February when the Government sets out its long-term plan for the easing of Lockdown restrictions.

How learning will continue
We will continue to provide lessons and guidance for students via online platforms to carry on with their studies during this extended period of lockdown.

We expect all students to continue to engage fully with their studies over the next few weeks of lockdown as this work may be used as part of the assessment process for the student’s final grades. We firmly believe that education is about learning and not just teaching to pass a test and would encourage all of our students to continue their studies to the best of their ability.

Change to timetable before February half-term
As remote learning will continue until 8 March at least, we have decided to allocate Thursday 11th and Friday 12 February as teaching development days. This is to ensure that we can now plan for effective remote learning after half-term. Therefore, remote lessons will not take place on Thursday 11 February and Friday 12th February.

Students will be set independent work for Thursday 11 February and Friday 12 February. We will also be providing students with information about a range of development activities. These activities will include careers and progression planning.

Thursday 1 April was originally the first day of the Easter holidays. We will now be reinstating Thursday 1 April as a teaching day. This will add an additional day of face to face teaching later this term in place of a day of remote teaching before half-term. If this creates any difficulties for students or families, please contact the relevant Personal Tutor (London Road students) or Student Support Tutor (English and Welsh Bridge students).

Vulnerable students and their parents/carers
We have contacted students who are considered Vulnerable to discuss attending college. If you have not been contacted and consider that this may be the safest option for you, please contact us by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The official advice is that Vulnerable students are those students who have a social worker OR those students with an educational health and care plan (EHCP) OR those with safeguarding and welfare needs.

Students applying to SCG for 2021/22 education year and their parents
We are still accepting applications from students wanting to study with us in the next academic year (2021/22). We will work with individual students and partner schools to ensure that no student misses out on a college place because of the lockdown and the cancellation of GCSE exams.

Any student who was due to attend an interview in college for a place for 2021/22 will receive an interview via telephone. We will contact the students to arrange times.

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